We provide the following types of business valuation reports, depending on the client’s needs and the purpose of the valuation:
An Indication of Value offers a low level of assurance at the lowest cost.
An Estimate of Value provides moderate assurance at a moderate cost.
An Opinion of Value delivers the highest level of assurance at the highest cost.
Why would I need a Business Valuation?
There are many reasons why the valuation of a business interest (shares or assets) is required. Some of the more common reasons include:
Shareholder buyouts
Partner and shareholder disputes (appraisal, oppression or dissent remedies under the CBCA)
Income tax and estimate planning purposes
Corporate reorganizations
Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
Goodwill impairment testing purpose
Fairness opinions
OSC Policy Statement 9.1 (insider bids, issuer bids, going private transactions and related party transactions)
Commercial litigation (breach of contract, product liability, etc.)
Martial disputes (determination of net family property, income for support purposes and valuations of business interests)
Insurance claim purposes (business interruption claims, etc.)
Rudson Valuation Group Inc. is a Toronto firm devoted exclusively to Business Valuation, Quantification of Economic Damages, Family Law Issues (valuations, income assessments, tracing of excluded assets) and Forensic and Investigative Accounting.
The firm provides business valuation and litigation support services to law firms, private and public companies, non-profit organizations and individuals. Rudson Valuation Group Inc. was established in 1998. We have authored over 500 valuation reports and have been involved in over 200 litigation matters with damages ranging from nil to $150 million.
Our cases include allegations involving breach of contract, professional negligence, breach of fiduciary duties, patent infringement, construction delays, compensation and income measurement, personal injury and lease terminations.
About Us
Valuation Reports Authored
Proud to be trusted for our expertise and results
Litigation Matters
With damages ranging from nil to $150 million
Years of Industry Experience
Decades of business wisdom at your service

Wayne Rudson,
Wayne Rudson is the President of RVG and has personally been involved in business valuation, litigation support and forensic accounting since 1984. During this time, he has valued over $1 billion worth of assets and authored over 500 valuation reports, including valuations required pursuant to OSC Policy Statement 9.1. Wayne has also been involved in well over 200 breach of contract matters with damages ranging from nil to $150 million.
Wayne has given expert testimony before the Supreme Court of Ontario, the Ontario Court (General Division), the Federal Court of Canada, the Supreme Court of British Columbia, the Court of Appeal for British Columbia, The Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick and other tribunal as an expert witness in business valuation and damage quantification matters over 40 times.

Vincent Lam, BAFM, MACC, CBV
Vincent Lam is the Vice-President of RVG. Vincent earned his Bachelor of Accounting and Financial Management degree and Master of Accounting degree from the University of Waterloo. He received his Chartered Business Valuator designation in 2019.
Vincent has been involved in business valuation, litigation support and forensic accounting since 2017 and has assisted in and co-authored over 50 expert reports in business valuation, damage quantification and matrimonial matters.
Vincent has also authored over 25 articles on various topics regarding business valuation, damage quantifications and financial issues in matrimonial matters.
Get in Touch
Rudson Valuation Group Inc.
77 Bloor St. West
Suite 1408
Toronto, ON M5S 1M2
Phone: 416-598-4500
Facsimile: 416-598-4501
Firm Directory
Wayne Rudson
Phone: 416-598-4502
Vincent Lam
Phone: 416-598-4500 ext 251